Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 7: Photo Challenge

My most treasured item.
This was another difficult one to come up with. The things I treasure most in life aren't things:my salvation; my husband & children; my family; friendships & my church body... I could go on and on. But an item? I try not to become too attached to items- clothes or jewelry or books or even our home... I mean, things are so replaceable. Like I said in the first post though, I'm not the sentimental type. But I still think even the most sentimental items are replaceable, when it really comes down to it. The Bible says to store up our treasures in Heaven... and this is what I strive to do, although it is hard. I definitely have a tendency to be materialistic- just like everyone I think. I do "want" more stuff. Our home to be prettier or bigger; my girls (and myself) to look great in the most fashionable clothes; and sometimes, just to be transparent, I wish my engagement ring was bigger. How worldly I truly am! Just because I'm not necessarily attached to things, I don't want to give the impression that I never struggle with worldliness... because that's exactly what those desires are. Worldliness. God did not call me to have a nice house, big jewelry, or the best dressed kids. He called me to die to those desires. Not that it's a sin to want nice things. To deprive yourself of anything nice for His "name's sake" isn't right either. It's just a heart issue. A balance.
Anyway, with all that being said, I narrowed it down to two things. The first, not at all to sound super-spiritual, is my Bible.

Being raised in a religion that does not encourage (and really almost discourages) the personal reading and studying of the Word, a whole new world was opened up for me after salvation. I was taught that I could not interpret the Word correctly, only one person could. Well, when I first came to know Christ I could not get enough of the Bible. Reading it. Praying through it. Memorizing it. Although life got a bit more crazy after marriage & kids, and my time in the Word is more limited than it used to be, I'm still so very thankful to have God's very Word available to me. And it really makes my time with Hi, reading, all the more precious. I'm so thankful for our God, who speaks to us through the Bible, and the Holy Spirit that does enable me to interpret what He's saying.
I'm also thankful for godly men who wrote the ESV Study Bible, for the times when I just don't get it ;)

Secondly, is our piano.
This (aside from all my pictures & scrapbooks, but that would be hard to take a picture of) is probably the most irreplaceable item in our home. Mainly because to replace it would cost a lot of money and this piano was given to us (for nothing) by some friends. I love music. I have loved music my whole life. Although I haven't been gifted with natural talent or an incredible singing voice, I still try. I'm currently trying to teach myself how to play the piano. Dustin & the girls bought me Alfred's Adult Course piano book for Christmas so I could finally begin. I know a little from when I was younger and learned some then. I know how to read music and the basics, and can play a some. But I want to truly play. And bring the Lord much glory through music. I also want to be able to teach Gabbi when she's a little older. She already loves music, and dancing, and she loves to "try" to play the piano. We'll see how it goes! :)

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