Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I honestly don't know if we're going to "celebrate" V-day. I don't think he even remembered before he left for work this morning. Tim asked me when I got to work: "so, is Dustin in trouble today?" lol. Ah, we'll see, it's pretty much not that big a deal.

Insurance Update:
Dustin went on Monday while he was at work to that office again. Apparently, they have to call your insurance company JUST to make an appointment. That's crazy.
But-- he asked around about other doctors that were good at Parkwest and some of the nurses told him about Dr. Schroeder, so he went to his office. They said they can go ahead and schedule an appt now, and when we get our insurance info just call them with it. So at least I can get on the calendar. Good! Praise God!! :) I can't wait. Wendi said by the time I get into the hospital they'll probably be able to get the baby's heartbeat. Ah!! The thought of that thrills me!

Baby Update:
We have a boy's name, and can't seem to agree on a girl's name. He's "positive" it's a boy anyway, so right now we don't have to "worry about a girl's name". lol. I'm gonna laugh when it's a girl... even though I want a boy too.
Yesterday was probably the worst day as far as sickness is concerned. Usually it's just during a little part of the day that I'm feeling sick, yesterday it was ALL DAY LONG. Today is looking to be the same. I'm trying to take people's suggestions- nap, eat small bits all day, eat healthy, but I'm still sick. Yuk :(
So, according to WebMD, I'm about 5weeks. And about this time, my baby's heat, brain, spinal cord, muscle, and bones are beginning to develop. Yet, it's still only 4/100 of an inch long! lol. Yesterday I was telling Dustin, it's amazing what something SO tiny is doing to me right now, like, being sick... and yesterday I noticed my hair is getting more oily- my hair is never oily.

It's crazy... this time last year I was preparing to go on mission to Kenya.
Now I'm preparing for an entire different type of mission.
This week has been so good, God has been so faithful- as always. Monday night I totally opened up with Dustin, about fears I have right now, issues I'm having with trusting the Lord. Mainly because of all the "plans" I had for this year. I was gonna go on a mission trip, I wanted to go back to school, and now , to be realistic, it's gonna be a while if that ever happens. We know we're called to missions, now how is that gonna work with a baby in the picture? I told him I feel like our friends are working towards their goals, and what are we doing? It was like after the initial excitement, all these doubts crept in- for sure from the enemy. God calls the educated with the uneducated, God wants an available vessel, who's crying out "here I am, Lord", who's waiting on Him-- Dustin and I are doing just that. It's just like so many times I surrendered things to Him- my relationship with Dustin, the birth control issue, everything... and this is what He does with it, He gives us a child, and now I want to take it back. Oohhh.. we are just so fleshy!!
Pastor Phil always says that quote: "The problem with a living sacrifice is it keeps crawling off the alter." Oh Lord, is that me or what?

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