Wednesday, September 03, 2008

"Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You have set You glory above the heavens." Psalm 8:1

We went camping this weekend, and I picture the enormous mountains and the blanket of bright stars across the sky as I read this verse. Oh, He commanded the mountains the rise up and they did. He commanded the stars to hang and shine, and they did. His creativity and beauty amaze me. I can't imagine and God that is even more beautiful than the stars in the sky... but He is.
We went to Bandy Creek in Oneida. Which is apparently one of the darkest places in the eastern US b/c there is no big city really near to it. So it's one of the best places to look at stars- or so they say. I mean, I would believe it. I don't know if I've ever seen stars that clear in my life. We rode down this long dirt road away from our campsite to this clearing in the woods. Dustin and I (along with Kristin and Derek) lied on the road and just watched the stars. (Probably one of the most "memorable" moments of our marriage). I was just lying there in awe of our great God... isn't that the point of His creation? He created all things for His glory, so shouldn't we just give Him glory when we wonder at His creation? I just love it. So we were lying there for a few minutes and I said quietly to myself (but Dustin did hear me) "Lord, please let me see a falling star tonight!" A few minutes later, a star fell from the sky... then another... then another... then another! Four falling stars within minutes of each other!! I was so excited I was practically in tears. I was telling Dustin "Did you hear me? Did you hear me ask the Lord for a falling star?? And then He gave me four!" Dustin replied "Yeah, I heard you. You asked the Lord and you know what He said? 'That's My daughter, and I love her SO much, and she wants to see a falling star, so I'm going to give that to her'. Then He called the star by name, and commanded it to fall, at it obeyed joyfully." The star, when commanded, said "YES LORD." It obeyed Him, and was happy to do so... oh to be like the stars in the sky! Who joyfully and willingly obey our God in everything!
It was an amazing night.


Anonymous said...

Bekah - that was just beautiful! The Lord is sooo good, isn't He??? Love and miss you!

katiegfromtennessee said...

That is amazing Bekah! God does love you soo very much! He is enamored with you!:) You and Dustin are such an inspiration to me. I pray that you and Dustin will have the best marriage always:)
