Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Day 12

Something I love.
There are a lot of obvious things that I love. I love Jesus & worshiping Him & the Gospel.
I thought about just doing something not-so-obvious.
I love cooking. I love Mexican food. I love celebrating birthdays. I love photography. I love road trips. ( I could go on.)
Then I decided against that.... so let's be obvious...

I absolutely love&adore this man. I love him more today than the day I married him. I love the man he is, and the man the Lord is growing him to be. He is amazing. I love the way he loves us, his girls. The greatest husband & father I know. I know most any wife would say that about their husband, and that's okay. He's mine... and no one else needs to think he's the greatest husband & father they know :)

I love our sweet girls, our growing family.

I am so thankful for what the Lord has given me in my little family. Some days are hard- we absolutely don't live in some fairy tale fantasy... but I love where we are. I know time is fleeting. Gabbi is 3 and it seems like just yesterday we were up all night with our screaming newborn. My time with them is precious... short. With Dustin too really, if you think about it. I want to redeem the time with them. I want to show Christ to my husband and my girls. Although I know I fail everyday, His grace is there. I love how forgiving children are. I can be short with Gabbi sometimes, and she is so quick to forgive when I apologize to her. She forgets. And she still loves me so much. I know I can learn something from that.
I love them all so much. And, at least for the next 15 years, we're together no matter what... or where... I wouldn't want it any other way.

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